Online Rostering provides innovative and intelligent solutions to rostering. Some of the program features are listed below:

User Interface
Clear, simple and uncluttered interface makes navigation through the portal easy.

Personalise Settings
Settings can be customised to better suit your business needs.

Event Manager
Set up events in advance to assist with future planning.

News Feed
Keep your staff up-to-date with current news and events. Send to staff according to their role, a particular shift or even a unique list of recipients.

Intelligent Distribution
Rosters are automatically distributed to staff at a time chosen by you.

Deliver messages, rosters & reminders to staff via SMS. SMSs can be sent according to role, a particular shift or a unique list of recipients.

Intuitive Allocation
Allocating staff is simple. Only those who fulfil the availability, role and qualification requirements are displayed. Further assistance is provided through a search function.

Roster Overview
View reports showing shift details and staff allocated.

Customise Notifications
Notifications can be sent reminding staff of upcoming shifts and reminding them to submit their availability.

Countdown Clocks
Clocks clearly show time remaining until staff must submit their availability.

Your staff can easily locate their shift from the link provided to the destination – on Google Maps.

Generates reports showing number of shifts, number of text messages and estimated staff hours.
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